What is Setting?

 1. What is Setting? 



If plot and action are the way fictional works answer the question What happened?
and characters are the who, setting is the where and when. All action in fiction, as in the real world, takes place in a context or setting—a time and place and a social
environment or milieu.

Kinds of Setting


When: Temporal Setting


Where: Physical Setting


General Setting: the year(s), the region, country, or even world providing a historical and cultural context for the action.


Particular Settings: the specific time, the specific locales


2. Functions of Setting


Setting is one of the many ways we learn about characters and the chief means by which characters and plots take on a larger historical, social, or even universal significance.


3. Vague and Vivid Setting


Vague Setting: Time and Place are left vague as in archetypal settings


Vivid Setting: the setting generating the conflicts, defining the characters, and giving the story purpose and meaning.




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