Sonny's Blues


1. The Plot Stages of "Sonny's Blues"

Exposition: Sonny's arrest and a meeting with Sonny's friend(-p.78)

Rising Action:

-Narrator's reunion with Sonny(driving home scene, pp.78-80)

-Flashback 1(Mom's story of their uncle's death, pp.82-85) 

-Flashback 2(Narrator's confrontation with Sonny about his dream of becoming a Jass musician, pp.85-88))

-Flashback 3(Sonny's fleeing from Isabel's family and enlistment with Navy, pp.89-90)


Climaxthe second confrontation of Narrator and Sonny(p.90)


Falling  Action: Grace's death and Narrator's conversation with Sonny(pp.90-96)

Resolution and Denouement: Nightclub scene(pp.96-100)


Reading of a few passages from "Sonny's Blues"

1. Exposition(pp.74-78)

-the way the important facts are revealed to the readers(pp.76-77)


2. Rising Action(pp.78-90)

-Narrator's reunion with Sonny(driving home scene, pp.78-80): going back to the past the two brothers share

-Flashback 1(Mom's story of their uncle's death, pp.82-84)

-Flashback 2(Narrator's confrontation with Sonny about his dream of becoming a Jass musician, pp.85-88)

-Flashback 3(Sonny's fleeing from Isabel's family and enlistment with Navy, pp. 89-90)

3. Climax: the second confrontation of Narrator and Sonny(pp.90)

4. Falling Action: Grace's death(pp.90-91): the theme of "suffering," a sacrifice.

Narrator's conversation with Sonny listening to an old-fashioned revival meeting(p.91-96): a hint of redemption


5. Resolution and Denouement: Nightclub scene(pp.96-100): the narrator's recognition of the value of the music Sonny has devoted himself to, "the cup of trembling" as a sign of forgiveness and redemption. 


Charlie "Bird" Parker, "Groovin' High"



 "Am I Blue"


"Am I Blue?"

Am I blue, am I blue
Ain't these tears in my eyes telling you
Am I blue, you'd be too
If each plan with your man done fell through

Was a time I was his only one
But now I'm the sad and lonely one, lonely
Was I gay till today
Now he's gone and we're through, am I blue

Was I gay till today
Now he's gone and we're through, am I blue
Oh he's gone, he left me, am I blue



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  • SB Passage IX.docx SB9
  • Related Links

  • a lecture script on "Sonny's Blues" at UCDavis