About a response paper

1. What is a response paper? 


Response papers, based on your reading of a text or texts, are frequently used to help refine your close reading and analytical skills. They should be narrowly focused and address specific parts of the text(s). Explain why you had a certain reaction, don¡¯t compile a list of your feelings about a work.


2. What is required in a response paper? 


Response papers require you to engage critically with the text and ask why you respond in a certain way after reading it.  


3. How do you get started? 


1)  To begin, carefully read the text, which may require you to reread, annotate the text, or take notes about issues you notice. After reading through the text(s), free write a response to the text(s) and/or ask yourself the questions below to help generate some ideas. 


2) Begin to organize your response.  Response essays are less formal than some other types of essays.  Check with your prompt or instructor for specific requirements. 


Questions to ask while reading: 


• What is the author¡¯s thesis or main claim? Why are the author¡¯s claims important?

• What types of evidence does the author give? Are they convincing? Do you see any potential issues or biases? 

• What are the strengths and weaknesses of the claims or the discussion?

• Do you agree or disagree with the author¡¯s claims? Why? Can you come up with any counterarguments? 

• How do the texts relate to each other? Do you see any overarching themes?

• Do the authors disagree or agree with one another? Can one of the texts be used to weaken the argument of a different text? 

• Does the text bring up any specific questions that you want to explore? Are there any significant or recurring words, phrases, or images?  


from LUC(Loyola University Chicago) WRITING CENTER – ¡°HOW TO WRITE A RESPONSE PAPER¡±