Everyday Use

 1.  Cultural Heritage and Diaspora, Edourard Glissant


There is a difference between the transplanting(by exile or dispersion) of a people who continue to survive elsewhere and the transfer(by the slave trade) of a population to another place where they change into something different, into a new set of possibilities...I feel that what makes this difference between a people that survives elsewhere, that maintains its original nature, and a population that is transformed elsewhere into another people...is that the latter has not brought with it, not collectively continued, the methods of existence and survival, both material and spiritual, which it practiced before being uprooted. These methods leave only dim traces or survive in the form of spontaneous impulses. This is what distinguishes, besides the persecution of one and the enslavement of the other, the Jewish Diaspora from the African slave trade.


2. Two Different Approaches to Culture(Cultural Heritage): Mom vs Dee

Mom: endorsing African American culture based on the historical experiences shared by all her ancestors.

"a yard, and extended living room"


"hard labor"
"a house in pasture"

"name as a continuity and inheritance from the ancestors within the same community"

"culture as lived experience": quilt as an item for everyday use carrying the living memory of family ancestors

Dee: erasing/denying African American culture and replacing it with a supposedly "genuine" African culture, an accessory to the white middle class snobbery

"a limousine"


"a lucrative job in the city"

"an urban home"

"name as a cultural construct as an ethnic minority in the society dominated by the white"

"culture as an accessory cut off from lived experiences": quilt as an antiquarian item to collect, preserve, exhibit, sometimes a commodity to buy and sell, having nothing to do with its meaning in its origin.


3. Alice Walker's "Womanism"


a. Antioppressionist

b. Vernacular

c. Nonideological

d. Communitarian

e. Spiritualized




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