British Poetry Seminar I

Introduction: What is Bildung and why does it matter in English Romantic Poetry

Harold Bloom, The Internalization of Quest Romance
Susan L. Cocalis,
Abrams, Meyer Howard. Natural Supernaturalism :Tradition and Revolution in Romantic Literature

Bildung in German Romanticism

Articles to read
Bildung in German Romanticism 1

German Bildungsroman I: Goethe's "Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship"

Articles to read
Jeffers_The Idea of Bildung and the Bildungsroman
What matures Wilhelm in the text

German Bildungsroman II: Novalis's "Heinrich von Ofterdingen"

Abrams_s Comments

The Prelude I

Materials to read

The Prelude II

Materials to read

The Prelude III

Materials to read

The Prelude IV

Materials to read


Materials to read

Childe Harold's Pilgrimage Canto I

Materials to read

Childe Harold's Pilgrimage Canto II

Materials to read

Childe Harold's Pilgrimage Canto III

Materials to read

Childe Harold's Pilgrimage Canto IV

Materials to read

The Fall of Hyperion

Materials to read