Storytelling and Literature(38041-01)

Introduction: Storytelling and Literature

Visions of Heaven and Hell

from the Bible: a story of Heaven and Hell

Genesis 2-3
Revelation 20-22

Milton's Paradise Lost

John Milton
An Analysis of Book XII
A few key passages from BK XII

Bunyan's the Pilgrim's Progress

John Bunyan

Blake's Marriage of Heaven and Hell

Blake and The Marriage of Heaven and Hell
The Marriage of Heaven and Hell
The Celestial Railroad
Allegory and The Pilgrim's Progress
A Few Passages from The Celestial Railroad

from Greek and Roman Myth: Orpheus and Pygmalion

Introduction to Classical Mythology

Ovid's Metamorphoses

Orpheus and Eurydice in Ovid's Matamorphoses
Various Understandings of Orpheus and Eurydice

Doolittle's Eurydice

Hilda Doolittle on Euridice

Atwood's Orpheus and Eurydice

Poems on Orpheus and Eurydice

Bernard Shaw's Pygmalion

Ovid's Pygmalion in Metamorphosis
Various Versions of Pygmalion
Shaw's Pygmalion Summary
Shaw's Pygmalion Themes
Shaw's Pygmalion Characters

Angela Carter, 'The Loves of Lady Purple'

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