Romanticism and Modern Literature(2018-2)



Blake: Revolution

Blake Introduction
Chimney Sweeper
Chimney Sweeper of Songs of Experience
A Songs of Liberty
A Memorable Fancy

Wordsworth: The Growth of Mind

Wordsworth Introduction
The Preface to Lyrical Ballads
Tintern Abbey
The Ruined Cottage
The Prelude

Coleridge: Imagination

Coleridge Introduction
Biographia Literaria
Kubla Kahn
Ancient Mariner

Byron: Europe

Byron Introduction
Byronic Hero
Byron's Grand Tour
Canto I & II
Canto III
Canto IV

Shelley: Eternity

Shelley Introduction
A Defence of Poetry
Mont Blanc
Ode to the West Wind
Pastoral Elegy

Keats: Beauty

Keats Introduction
From Keats's Letters
Ode to a Nightingale
The Eve of St Agnes
Critical Analyses on The Eve of St. Analysis