British Poetry Seminar I(2019)

Bildung and English Romanticism

The Idea of Bildung in German Romanticism
Articles to read
The Idea of Bildung in The Prelude
The Concept of Bildung
The Prelude: An Introduction
Bildung in Early German Romanticism

Goethe: Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship

Articles to read: Bildung and Bildungsroman
Articles to read: Bildungsroman and Wilhelm Meister

Wordsworth: The Prelude

The Prelude Book I-II
The Prelude III-VIII
The Prelude IX-XIII
The Prelude: An Introduction

Byron: Childe's Harold's Pilgrimage

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Schiller: "On the Aesthetic Education of Man"

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Friedrich von Harden Berg(Novalis): "Heinrich von Ofterdingen"

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Shelley: "Alastor"


Keats: "The Fall of Hyperion"

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