English Poetry Special Lecture I(2020)

IntroductionI: Wordsworth and the Idea of Sympathy

Three Passages from Wordsworth's Poetry and Prose
The Eighteenth-Century Context of Sympathy from Spinoza to Kant from Sympathy by Ryan Patrick Hanley
The British Moralists on Human Nature and the Birth of Secular Ethics by Michael B. Gill

Thomas Hobbes and Bernard Mandeville

Hobbes's Ethics
Mandeville's "Paradox"

Anthony Ashley Cooper, Lord Shaftesbury


Francis Hutcheson

Francis Hutcheson

David Hume

from A Treatise of Human Nature

Adam Smith

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Introduction II: Wordsworth and the Age of Sensibility

Sympathy, Sensibility, and Poetry

Thomas Gray

Thomas Gray as an Elegist

Thomas Chatterton

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Oliver Goldsmith

A Few Comments from the scholars on the Deserted Village

William Cowper

Cowper's divided self: georgics and self-confession

George Crabbe

Crabbe's Anti-Pastoralism

Helena Maria Williams

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Sophie de Grouchy
