British Poetry Seminar I(2023)

Bildung and British Romanticism

Bildung in Early German Romanticism
Harold Bloom,
M.H. Abrams's Natural Supernaturalism
The Origin of German Bildung

Goethe: Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship

Three Articles to read
Two Articles to read
What matures Wilhelm in the text

Wordsworth: The Prelude

The Text of The Prelude(1805) and the articles to read
Book III-VIII: Two Articles to Read

Schiller: "On the Aesthetic Education of Man"

Schiller's Text
Key Ideas of Schiller's "Aesthetic Letters"


Novalis's Heinrich von Ofterdingen

Shelley: " Alaster"


Byron's Childe Harold's Pilgrimage

Childe Harold Canto I-II
Childe Harold III
Childe Harold Canto IV