English Literature Plus 2023

General Introduction

Why the Classical Mythology in the 20th Century?
Literary Uses of Myth in English Literature
Greek Mythology Family Tree
The Birth of Venus
Orpheus in the Underworld


Orpheus in the history of English Literature
Orpheus in the history Classical Literature I
Orpheus in Classical Literature II
Orpheus in John Milton
John Milton
What is Pastoral Elegy?
Percy Bysshe Shelley
Orpheus in Percy Bysshe Shelley
In-Class Writing Sample

Venus and Adonis

Venus and Adonis in the History of English Literature
Venus and Adonis: Summary
Venus and Adonis in Shelley
Venus and Adonis in Paintings
Venus and Adonis in Ovid's Metamorphoses
Shakespeare I
Shakespeare II
Shakespeare III
Facts about Shakespeare's Venus and Adonis
from Norton intro to Adonais


Pygmalion in the history of English Literature
Pygmalion in Ovid
Pygmalion in Bernard Shaw
Pygmalion in Robert Graves
Pygmalion in Angela Carter
Shaw's Pigmalion Act I
Shaw's Pygmalion Act II
Shaw's Pigmalion Act III
Shaw's Pygmalion Act IV
Shaw's Pygmalion Act V
Educating Rita