English Poetry Special Lecture I(2024)

Book III


Residence at Cambridge

1. "a chosen son"

"a strangeness in my mind,/ A feeling that I was not for that hour,/Nor for that place."(79-81)

"I was a chosen son./For hither I had come with holy powers./And faculties, whether to work or feel"(82-84)

"I was a Freeman; in the purest sense/Was free, and to the majestic ends was strong."(89-90)


2. "To every natural form...I gave a moral life"(124-26)


"I had a world about me-'twas my own;
I made it, for it only loved to me,
And to the God who looked into my mind"


3. "heroic argument"

"This is, in truth, heroic argument...but in the main/It lies far hidden from the reach of our souls...Yet each man is a memory to himself...And all my tale is of myself(182-97)...Caverns there were within my mind which sun/Could never penetrate...(246-47).

4. "I did not love...the guise/ Of our scholastic studies"(507-509)

"far/Far more I grieved to see among the band/ Of those who in the field of contest stood/ As combatants, passions that did to me/ Seem low and mean...My wiser mind grives now for what I saw./ Willingly did I part from these..."(511-17)

Book IV

1. "The memory of one particular hour"(315)

"Magnificent /The morning was...drenched in empyrean light...to the brim/My heart was full...but vows/ Were then mad for me...I should be...A dedicated Spirit. On I walked/In belssedness, which even yet remains(330-45)

2. "uncouth shape"..."in military garb"(402-14)

"He all the while was in demeanour calm,/Concise in answer; solemn and sublime/ He might have seemed...There was a strange half-absence, and a tone/Of weakness and indifference, as of one/ Remembering the importance, as of one/ Remembering the importance of his theme/ But feeling it no longer."(472-78)




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