English Poetry Special Lecture I(2024)

1. "The living Presence still subsist/Victorious"(33) 


"But all the meditations of mankind,/ Yea, all the adamantine holds of truth/ By reason built, or passion, which itself/ is highest reason in a soul sublime(38-40).


2. "a dream...of an Arab of the Bedouin tribe"(70-78)


"the Arab told him that the stone/...Was 'Euclid's Elements'...'This other,' pointing to the shell, 'this bookd /Is somenign of more worth;(86-90)


3. "A loud prophetic blast of harmony"(96)


"and at the word/ The stranger, said my friend continuing,/ Stretched forth the shell towards me, with command/ That I should hold it to my ear. I did so,/ And heard that instant in an unknown tongue,/ Which yet I understood, articulate sounds,/ A loud prophetic blast of harmony;. An Ode, in passion uttered, which foretold. Destruction to the children of the earth/ By deluge, now at hand."(90-99)


"I, methinks/Could share that maniac's anxiousness, could go/Upon like errand. Oftentimes at least/ Me hath such deep entrancement half-possessed,/When I have held a volume in my hand,/ Poor earthly casket of immortal verse,/ Shakespeare, or Milton, labourers divine!(159-65)


4. "the monster birth/Engendered by these too industrious times"(293-94)


"the moral part/ Is perfect, and in learning and in books/He is a prodigy."(318-20)...Now this is hollow, 'its a life of lies...Vanity,/That is his soul, there lives he, and there moves;/ It is the soul of every thing he seeks; That gone, nothing is left which he can love.(350-57)


5. "a Boy of Winander"(389-90)


"many a time/At evening...would he stand alone/Beneath the trees or by the glimmering lake,/ And there, with fingers interwoven, both hands/ pressed closely palm to palm, and to his mouth/ Uplifted, he, as through and instrument,. Blew mimic hootings to the silent owls,/That they might answer him....Then sometimes, in that silence while he hung/ Listening, a gentle shock of mild surprise/ Has carried far into his heart the voice/Of mountain torrents...This Boy was taken from his mates, and died/In childhood, ere he was full ten years old....when I have passed/At evening, I believe that oftentimes/A full half hour together I have stood/Mute, looking at the grave in which he lies(390-422).


6. "a heap of garments"(461)


"At length, the dead man, 'mid that beauteous scene/ Of trees and hills and water, bolt upright/ Rose, with his ghastly face, a spectre shape/ Of terror even; and yet no vulgar fear,/ Young as I was, a child not nine years old,/ Possessed me, for my inner eye had seen/ such sights before, among the shining streams/ Of faery land, the forests of romance./ Thence came a spirit hallowing what I saw/ With decoration and ideal grace;/ A dignity, a smoothness, like the works/Of Grecian art, and purest poesy."(470-81)




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