Introduction to Classical Mythology


1. Table of Major Gods and Goddesses


Greek name(Roman name): Principal Junction


Zeus(Jupiter, Jove) king, god of the sky

Hera(Juno) queen, goddess of marriage

Poseidon(Neptune) god of the sea

Hades(Pluto, Dis):  god of the underworld

Demeter(Ceres): goddess of agriculture

Hestia(Vesta) goddess of home and hearth

Athena(Minerva, Pallas) goddess of war and wisdom

Apollo(Apollo)god of light, music, healing, the sun

Artemis(Diana): goddess of the wild, virgin huntress, the moon

Aphrodite(Venus): goddess of love and beauty

Ares(Mars) god of war

Hephaestus(Vulcan) god of fire, blacksmith and craftsman

Hermes(Mercury) messenger, god of travel and communication

Dionysus(Bacchus) god of wine and madness

Persephone(Proserpina) goddess of underworld and of spring

Eros(Cupid): god of love

Cronus/Kronos(Saturn) father of the gods

Rhea(Ops) mother of the gods


2. Sources


Homer's Illiad and Odyssey

Hesiod's Theogony

Athenian Drama by Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, Aristophanes

Virgil's Eclogues and Georgics

Ovid's Metamorphoses

Boethius's Consolation of Philosophy



Related Links

  • A Documentary on Greek Mythology
  • A Documentary on The Odyssay
  • Another Documentary on Greek Gods and Goddesses